business reviews

When business reviews are less about metrics and more about people

Chris Carmouche is an operating partner and president at HireBetter, a new kind of recruiting firm that offers permanent search, interim solutions and advisory services. He’s uncovered a way to make internal business reviews mean something more at his company — and make an impact on performance, specifically helping take the company from $3.8 mm to $7 mm in revenue in just one year. In this guest blog post, he shares his tactics that have turned business reviews into an art of caring, transparency, accountability and real results.

When I arrived at HireBetter, I quickly noticed there were some people in the wrong seats, and as such the company as a whole wasn’t achieving what it was capable of.

The culture here has always been that of competitiveness with a dash of accountability and a familial flavor. Some days I have to open my arms for a hug and other days I must point toward the invisible time-out chair.

I took the opportunity at our internal business reviews to get to know people. The business reviews broke out into weekly stints with the sales team, the marketing team and one-on-one top-level executives; every other week one-on-one with other employees; and a quarterly off-site meeting where we bring in leaders from around the world as we realign to our core goals and values.

While metrics are crucial, I make the meetings about each person and building relationships.

If you and I ever sit down at a meeting together, you’ll likely be asked, “How are you doing?” And I’m not asking about how are you doing on the job. I honestly want to know how you are doing as a person, inside and outside of the office.

There are meetings where we never get to the metrics. I value the individuals I work with and care about their lives outside of their jobs. I want them to be successful in all aspects of their life.

When meetings become about people, new metrics and a different kind of data become relevant: a person’s strengths, weaknesses, goals and skills.

I will use the information I glean from meeting with people and openly and transparently rank them on what they are doing well and where they could do better.

If one of my employees needs a challenge, I will uncover a piece of the business that isn’t working and provide them the opportunity to fix it—on a crunched deadline. When you push someone, they will either fold or stand up to the challenge and prove their problem-solving skills and come out even stronger on the other side.

More than building relationships with employees, internal meetings allow for tough discussions and real growth

As a leader, I’m open and transparent — and willing to have hard conversations to help people reach their potential and meet their personal and professional goals.

I want people to find their right role, their right fit, even if that means it isn’t with HireBetter. By getting to the core of each individual at this company, I have since shifted people around to their ideal roles and we’ve gone from $3.8 to $7 million revenue. That is reason alone not to blow off business reviews as not worthwhile.

Chris Carmouche is an experienced leader with a demonstrated history of guiding companies to fast growth. He touts 25 years of management experience in six different industries with 13 years as an operating partner. He has successfully scaled four different companies, including one that took a company from $13 mm to $100 mm in three years.